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Do you need better home security? Can you answer this question with confidence? Chances are that if you haven’t had a security audit performed that you don’t really know for sure whether or not your home is as secure as it could be. At Bremerton Lock and Key in Bremerton, WA, we realize that this isn’t something that you think about every day but it is something that you should think about at least several times a year. If you’re a responsible person who wishes to protect themselves and their loved ones then you’ll likely do whatever it takes to protect them.
A locksmith can really come in handy helping you maximize your home security. Perhaps you feel as though you already have all the security that you need. We don’t doubt that you do. However, if you’re not sure then it’s time you find out. You can receive all the security that you’ll need from a locksmith. We know you might not think this is possible but we assure you that it is. In fact, it is one of the most practical and affordable ways to secure your home. Basic home security is essential to keeping out unwanted intruders. However, if you lack even the basic level of home security, you could be in for some trouble.
There are some homeowners who think that it could never happen to them. Unfortunately, they have had to find out the hard way that it can happen to them and anybody else who doesn’t have sufficient home security. Even if you have a security alarm, you could still experience an intrusion. Nothing is full proof. However, you can take the necessary precautions that will give you a better chance of avoiding a home invasion.
If you’re not sure whether or not you have sufficient security for your home, you can always count on a licensed locksmith to perform a security audit. They make a thorough sweep of your home to ensure that all the locks are in good working condition. They also make sure that you have the right types of locks on the right doors. If you have a flimsy lock on your exterior doors then they will likely recommend that you also have a deadbolt lock installed alongside your existing lock. If they notice any missing locks or broken locks, they will advise you to have them replaced with new locks. Yes, it is something as simple as the types of locks that you use that will help you avoid an intrusion. We believe that your locks are actually your first defense against an intrusion. You don’t need to take any unnecessary chances with your home security when you can just as easily have durable and reliable locks installed.
When our locksmiths are called upon to perform a security audit there are two areas of the home that are repeatedly overlooked by the homeowner, the garage door and patio door. When you buy a patio door you might notice that there is a lock already on the door. However, this is more like a latch rather than a lock. This will not do much to secure your premises, as it could easily be kicked in and broken down. The best way to ensure that no one is able to get into your home via your patio door is to have a more durable lock installed on it.
The other place that usually lacks sufficient security is your garage door. No, we are not talking about your actual garage door rather we are talking about the interior door that leads into your home from the garage. If you do not have a sturdy lock on it then an intruder could easily make their way into your home. Rather than allowing this to occur, why not simply give a locksmith a call and allow them to provide you with a deadbolt lock for your interior garage door. Even though your garage door has an automatic lock, you can’t always rely on it to do what it is supposed to do.
It is mechanical, which means that it could fail you at some point. When this occurs the last thing that you want to happen is for someone to break into your home and walk straight into your home. Trust us when we tell you that if we are aware of these vulnerable areas of your home so is a career burglar. They lay in wait to see how they can get into your home. Don’t give them the chance to do so by leaving these areas wide open.
If you don’t already have a security system for your home, what are you waiting for? You can get a security system at a price that you can afford, as there are so many different ones offered today. Don’t allow your home to be unprotected simply because you don’t believe that you can afford a security system. Do yourself a favor by at least checking into them to see what you can actually afford. Even the mere presence of the signage of a security company is enough to avoid an intrusion. This is because most thieves don’t want to take the chance of being discovered. If they feel that you have adequate security, they will often go elsewhere.
Believe it or not you may be setting yourself up for a burglary. If you are purchasing electronics, such as a television, and leaving the box outside for all to see, this lets a thief know that they have something to gain by getting inside your home. Discard all high-end merchandise boxes when discarding them. Also, leave lights on if you are going to be away for an extended amount of time to give the impression that someone is home. Finally, if you do not already have lights around your home, we suggest that you invest in them. This will shed light on any potential burglar.